Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Birthday, Travis!

In honor of my husband's 37th birthday, here are 37 reasons I love Travis Wayne Dunham.

1. He loves Jesus.

2. He points me to Jesus.

3. He loves me.

4. I can trust him.

5. He's practical.

6. He's thoughtful.

7. He's playful.

8. He is an amazing father.

9. He's fun to be with.

10. He makes me laugh.

11. He wakes up happy (regardless of how much sleep he's had).

12. He doesn't complain.

13. He works hard.

14. His smile

15. He is considerate of others.

16. He is careful and thoughtful with his words.

17. Everyday after work, he gets home and gets down on the floor and plays with our kids.

18. He will play scrabble with me even though he hates playing scrabble.

19. He's really good at asking questions that make me examine my heart.

20. He values and practices good stewardship - with time, money, talent and health.

21. He challenges me to step out of my comfort zone.

22. When something seems not doable, he always seems to somehow get it done.

23. He sounds like Kenny Chesney when he sings (or so he thinks). :)

24. He comes back from the store with little, random surprises for me and our girls.

25. He's always striving to be a better husband (though, he's pretty great as it is).

26. He prays with me and for me.

27. He adds things to the stuff I'm cooking when I'm not looking and thinks I don't know.

28. He checks in on me at least once a day just to see how my day is going and tell me that he loves me.

29. He loves and respects his parents.

30. He is great with kids.

31. He is a good friend.

32. He seeks out ways to serve others.

33. He doesn't raise his voice.

34. He is quick to apologize for his mistakes and ask for forgiveness - even with our 2 year old.

35. He is forgiving -- he doesn't hold grudges.

36. He encourages me in my hobbies and crazy ideas.

37. Apart from Christ, my husband is my hero.